The Dorset Branch welcomes all school librarians from the area, whether they are members of the SLA or not.  Regular newsletters are sent out to those on the SLA subscription list which will include details of upcoming events and visits as well as shared news and reviews. 

If you are interested in further information either about school librarianship or about the Branch please email the Secretary, Wendy Harty at: [email protected]


Chair: Rosalind Jensen

Secretary: Wendy Hartley

Treasurer: Jessica Morgan

Committee: Emma Minter, Jenny Stevens, Julie Watts, James Curtis


Contact us

Contact the committee at [email protected]


Upcoming events

New events and training are currently being planned. Get in touch with the committee with any suggestions of what you'd find useful. 


Recent training

Unconference - March 18th at Sherborne School for Boys

The most recent AGM was held in January 2023 where plans were made for events this year.


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