SLA Support for Publishers

We are incredibly proud of our strong links with the publishing industry, regardless of the size of the publisher. We work with publishers in a range of ways – getting books into the hands of library staff and pupils is an important part of what we do, and we aim to do this with as many and as inclusive range as possible. The annual Weekend Course, advertising in the journal, library staff days and our book reviews are the main ways we do this. Though our competitions, giveaways, promotions and sponsorship opportunities all provide ways to get your book noticed by members and non-members. These opportunities are all detailed below.

Send your book for review in TSL

This has approximately 30 pages of book reviews, and we post additional ones online. All the book reviews are now searchable by members including tags - giving them extra life as teachers and library staff create book lists. Send to: The Reviews Editor, The School Library Association, 1 Pine Court, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 8AD, UK

Reviews are usually sent to publishers, though there will be a delay in doing this. (You can always buy the journal to see them straight away!).

Download the Publishers Guidelines for TSL reviews here. 

Competitions and giveaways

These could include a free author/illustrator visit, books, or even posters or bookmarks – send an outline to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you with the best placement for it.

Our giveaways are usually very successful, with a high number of respondents. 

Reach our members 

We run a digital, on-demand series called Meet the Creator, where we talk to creators (authors/illustrators/designers) about their creations.

It's free for everyone, and the recording is accessible to all members after the event. 

You could also run a member-only giveaway. This could be in the digital newsletter or via social media. For both these opportunities, get in touch with [email protected] for more information.

Enter the Information Book Award

Nominations open in November every year and close early January. For more information about the IBA, look here.

Support our Awards

They are important in telling positive stories about school libraries and get a lot of attention from both the publishing, library and educational community. There are plenty of ways to support the Awards, from Sponsorship to donating prizes, to helping us spread the word.

Stay informed

Make sure you’re on our mailing list for information about the annual Weekend Course

We are always looking for speakers, authors, illustrators for a wide audience. To find out more about the Weekend Course have a look at our dedicated page. To join the mailing list please email [email protected]

"We had just over 40 requests in total – far more than expected – so I made the decision to reprint the proofs to accommodate the requests. Schools have since been in touch and have hosted or are hosting Skype events with our author, securing a relationship which will be really beneficial. They have been delighted by the engagement from the schools, their questions and their enthusiasm. We have also had a number of reviews from other groups, and some have added reviews to the Amazon or Goodread pages which assists with the promotion of the book."


Freelance Children's Book Publicist

"We are having an amazing response to our latest SLA newsletter offer for the poster – huge thanks for giving us this opportunity!"


Feedback from Children's Book Publicist, regarding a poster giveaway

"YA books can be tricky but I feel like this campaign has worked really well on a grassroots level and the author is delighted with the response. It’s not something I’ve done before and was a risk but I am really pleased. Although it won’t necessarily result in massive book sales, I think the awareness of the author is definitely increased and will have a great knock on effect."


Freelance Children's Book Publicist

Support us

As a charity, our focus is on helping those that need it. But that means we need your help too. Whether it's volunteering, fundraising or donations, it makes a huge difference to the number of pupils we're able to support. 


The School Library Association offers a wide range of on demand and real time training to enhance the personal and professional development of everyone who works in school libraries.


Reflections from our 2024 Member Survey  

You spoke, we listened.