SLA Support for Human Resource Managers

We do a range of resources to support educational Human Resource Managers and teams make the most of their library staff, and promote understanding of the role and its demands. 

HR Managers have the difficult job of understanding every role within a school, so if there's anything that's unclear please get in touch  using the main SLA number.

Recruiting new school library staff? 

We advertise school library roles at very reasonable prices. Use our service to reach the exact high quality candidates you're looking for. 

Find out more

Preparation for appraisal

IFLA School Library Guidelines

Performance Appraisal Form

Skills and Expertise Required in School Libraries

Salary Scales

School Librarian Recruitment Pack

Support our awards

We run various awards that celebrate the people, projects and partnerships that make school libraries great. They are an important way of telling positive stories about school libraries and rely heavily on external support, whether it be sponsorship, prizes, or spreading the word. 


Learn more


The School Library Association offers a wide range of on demand and real time training to enhance the personal and professional development of everyone who works in school libraries.


Additional Support

There are a number of organisations and charities who work in the arena of information literacy and reading for pleasure. The SLA enjoys strong partnerships with organisations across the sector, and they offer some fantastic resources and support.