What's on at the SLA this week...

Date: 18 03 2024

Your weekly round-up of all the exciting events not to be missed this week.


Member Meet-up: Scotland-based Members

Monday 18th March, 4pm - 5pm

This is a chance for members based in Scotland to meet virtually in a free and informal networking session, giving the opportunity for you to meet other members, ask each other questions, share best practice, and discuss issues specific to your Scottish school context. 

Book here


Hertfordshire SLA CPD Morning

Tuesday 19th March, 9am - 12.30pm

Members are invited to a morning of speakers and networking, which includes sessions on training and maintaining student library leadership, ideas for turning unwanted stock into library art and effective ways to run a Carnegie reading group. FREE for members!

Book here


Bev's Book Chat: Easter Edition

Tuesday 19th March, 3.30pm - 4pm

Join Bev for her round up of the top reads this Easter half term. Hear her latest recommendations at this informal and free, member-only session.

Book here


Google Super Searchers

Thursday 21st March, 3.30pm - 4.30pm

Search engines have become increasingly important tools for libraries. And now's your chance to learn from the best, with Google Super Searchers! Discover the NEW programme to increase the search and information literacy skills of library staff.

Book here


Plus, coming up next week...


Easter School: Reading Groups

Thursday 27th March,10am - 12pm

Whilst we firmly believe that the holidays are a time to switch off and relax, we also know that some of you like to use this time to learn and develop your skills. If this is the case, come along to our Easter School at Books on the Rise Bookshop, Richmond, for a morning focused on helping school library staff to plan, run and make the most of reading groups.

Book here


Reflections from our 2024 Member Survey

Posted on 15/07/2024
You spoke, we listened.

Matt Goodfellow awarded 2024 CLiPPA

Posted on 12/07/2024
The winner of the UK’s major award for published poetry for children, the CLiPPA (CLPE Children’s Poetry Award) has been announced.

Interview with Nicola Usborne

Posted on 11/07/2024
Nicola Usborne talks to us about the Peter Usborne Primary School Library of the Year Award, and how Usborne Books is continuing her father’s commitment to supporting literacy.