School Libraries are Stronger Together 

Date: 10 09 2024

As the evenings start to draw in, and talk starts to turn to soups, jumpers and muddy walks, we want to focus on one of the best things about the sector - how supportive everyone is. From your LMS trainer, publishers, colleagues and networks you belong to the school library community is a great one to be part of - and we want to celebrate that. We know that some of our number can be a little shy about putting themselves forward for Awards, or to speak about what they're doing at conferences, and many of our number simply don't have the time to give to big campaigns; but that doesn't mean these people aren't inspiring others, generous with their advice or moving the sector forward and trying new things. 

We want to do a shout out to celebrate all those people who provide the advice, little nudges and a partner to share a joke or a problem with. Let's go into Autumn with sector wide positivity, so share someone who's brightened your day here. It can be a person, network, company, organisation or something else!

We also want to take the opportunity to celebrate our amazing members, without whom the SLA simply would not exist. So, every SLA member will be entered into a prize draw for a selection of prizes. The winners will be picked on 30th September 2024. New members will be included so if you know someone who isn't a current member let them know using the flier below. If you've got your renewal invoice renew on time to be eligible! 

You could win: 

- one of six book selections - two each of 0-7; 8-12 or 13-16

- a £50 book voucher

- one of two free webinars 

So come on, join in today and get the celebration started! 

2024-2025 500 Words Story Competition Open

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Children For Change - Ground Breaking FREE eBook for Primary School Children

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Resources for the Autumn Term

Posted on 17/09/2024
Resources for the school library in the Autumn Term