The Impact of Scotland's Libraries

Date: 03 10 2023

Scottish Book Trust undertakes independent research into the value and impact of public and school libraries in Scotland.

In partnership with the National Library of Scotland (NLS), the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC), and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland (CILIPS), Scottish Book Trust has launched an independent research project to to showcase the value and impact of public and school libraries across Scotland. 

Scotland's school libraries have no national mandate for adequate library provision. Scotland's public libraries, though they do face a national mandate for adequate library provision, have no enforced standard for what that must offer. As a result, across the public and school library sector, Scotland's communities face a lack of equitable access.

Led by Research and Evaluation Manager, Éadaoín Lynch, this research aims to report on the value and impact of public and school libraries – and showcase how they are intrinsic to removing inequity across many intersections of Scottish life.

The first step in this research is gathering input and insights from librarians through a selection of surveys, which are now live and open for responses. So, if you are a public librarian, school librarian, teacher or volunteer working closely with a library service in Scotland, they want to hear from you! 

The surveys are open from Libraries Week (2-8 October 2023) until end of January 2024. 

Please consider taking part here.

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