We aim to hold meetings across our two counties. We don't lack enthusiasm and are very happy to welcome new faces to our meetings. Please do contact us for more information.

 Contact us

Contact the committee at N&[email protected]

Twitter: @UkslaN



Lorraine Gill [Northgate High School]

Donna Gunton [Wymondham High Academy]

Treasurer: Nicole Burns [Royal Hospital School ] 

Secretary: Katie Smith [Norwich High School for Girls]

Social Media: Katie Smith & Elizabeth Vale

Committee: Deborah Goodwin& Sarah Holmes

Upcoming events

New events and training are currently being planned. Get in touch with the committee with any suggestions of what you'd find useful. 

Summer Term 2024 AGM


Recent training

Spring 2024 CPD & Networking day

Summer 2023 Langley School, Lodden

Spring 2023 conference at Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, Ipswich

Autumn 2022 A staff networking event was held


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