The Peter Usborne Primary School Library of the Year Award

The Peter Usborne Primary School Library of the Year recognises everyone that works together to ensure their school library impacts all the pupils in their primary school.

Previously known as Primary School Librarian of the Year, this award now recognises the whole team rather than one individual.

This Award is open to all schools in the UK with a dedicated library for primary aged children (this could be junior, middle, infants or all primary ages).

Latest News

2024 School Library and Librarian of the Year Finalists Announced

School libraries and librarians celebrated for igniting children's love of reading.

Be Inspired by the 2024 Finalists

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Find out more about the outstanding primary school libraries that have been shortlisted for the 2024 Peter Usborne Primary School Library of the Year, and also the Honour List for the Secondary School Librarian of the Year.

Your Guide to Applying for the 2024 SLA Awards

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Everything you need to know about how to apply for Primary School Library of the Year and our other awards, and why they are so important for the sector.

Get Involved

The aim of this award is to raise the profile of primary school libraries and celebrate the best of what can be achieved. We want everyone to know the value of primary school libraries and become school library supporters.

It's too late to nominate for the 2024 Award but if you think your primary school library is worth shouting about, we want to hear from you next year! 


The School Librarian of the Year Award is run entirely on sponsorship kindly donated by friends and supporters of the Award. No money is taken from the SLA budget so all staff time, the cost of judging, prizes for the winners and the final award ceremony must be covered by the sponsors' donations.

We are delighted that Usborne are continuing the late Peter Usborne’s commitment to supporting literacy by sponsoring the newly named Peter Usborne Primary School Library of the Year Award. 

Become a member

Being a member of the SLA not only entitles you to the training, services and benefits of membership, but it also means you are part of a community who learn from and support each other.

Support us

As a charity, our focus is on helping those that need it. But that means we need your help too. Whether it's volunteering, fundraising or donations, it makes a huge difference to the number of pupils we're able to support. 


The School Library Association offers a wide range of on demand and real time training to enhance the personal and professional development of everyone who works in school libraries.