Remembrance: In partnership with the Royal British Legion

Discover the wealth of resources offered by The Royal British Legion to help you to celebrate remembrance in your library this November.

To honour the 80th anniversary of many momentous battles this year, including as D-Day, the Royal British Legion have a free Remembrance Learning Programme to help you commemorate Remembrance in your school library or classroom.

This diverse range of resources for Key Stages 1-4 have been specially designed to help promote reading and research in relation to these significant, historic events.

Join us for this webinar, which will provide:

- a guided tour of the many resource available

- ideas for how you can use them in your context

- a plan for ensuring that your library has an impact on Remembrance this November and beyond


Suzie Crowe, Learning Programme Manager: Teaching Remembrance

25/09/2024 15:30 - 16:30
GMT Daylight Time
Spots available
Registration not available.